
For these series of workshops, we have confronted different metropolitan contexts thinking that:

  1. Cities should not expand.
  2. Cities should use the buildings that already exist.
  3. The existing urban fabric can be adapted to new living conditions.
  4. We can learn from housing types so as to expand the palette of design opportunities. In an urban context, there is no purity.
  5. We can disrupt existing types to offer new ways of living.

These principles, along with a specific crisis for each city we learn from has led us and students to rethink housing.


Elizabeth Abarca
Silvana Aguilera
Josías Aliga
Felipe Aragón
Marjorie Barros
Oliver Bennison
Alice Bufton
Gianluca Buscicchio
Alberto Calderon
David Camilo
Eduardo Carcavilla
Yuen Chan
Thomas Charles
Francisca Cillero
George Clarke
Yang Di
Patrick Dunne
Matías Elliot
Karla Espinoza
Tianyuan Fang
Diego Fuentes
Saskia Furman
Camila Gonzalez
Daniela Gonzalez
Miguel Gonzalez Fernandez
James Gordon
JuanFrancisco Guzman
Yuxin He
Shaoyao He
Ariel Hernández Salas

Benjamín Herrera
Roberto Hirribarren
Qixuan Hu
Yi Jiang
Tringa Kelmendi
Anton Knyphausen
Damaris Landskron
Felipe Lastra
Jonathon Lee
Harry Lewis
Isidora Leyton
Linmei Li
Jiazheng Liu
Adam Liu Yongjiyang
Javiera Lopez
Yifan Lu
Henry Lyle
Gabriela Martinez
Gonzalo Matus
David McGuire
Camila Mejías
Angelo Melio
Mar Monfort
Micaela Muchnik
Deborah Odeja
Juan Oyarzún
Javiera Paul
Sibylle Pelzer
Mingyu Qiu
Camila Reyes

Andrew Robertson
Valentina Rojas
Gabriela Sánchez
Javiera Santander
Magdalena Sapunar
Rocio Sepulveda
Francisco Silva
Pedro Stekel
Ryan Stevens
Navid Tahmasebi
Carolina Tobler
Maxime Turner
Paula Ulloa
Sofia Valenzuela
Maira Vega
Denitsa Velikova
Pierluca Viani
Paulina Vinés
Shubo Wei
Ryan Wenham
Su Wenjia
Tao Xueqi
Toby Yiu
Xinning Yu
Miao Yu
Hao-Ming Yu
Takemoto Yuri
Tao Zhang

2017 How do we live? Santiago / CONTEX

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2018 How do we live? London / OWNERSHIP

What forms of residencies are taking place today? How do people own a house? How do these ownership schemes and lengths of tenancy impact design? The workshop discussed current housing ownership schemes and questioned how these relate to today and future’s modes of living.

Click to download brief

2018 How do we live? Santiago / SHARED SPACES

For this workshop, shared space is defined as “a space used during a day by multiple inhabitants with a lesser degree of privacy”. In today’s metropolitan context, these shared spaces allow for diverse forms of inhabitation and functional use. This workshop investigated these shared spaces in their relationship to the length of tenancy. In order to generate the most friction for the designs we will assume that all inhabitants of our proposals are short-term tenants and will want or need to perform many of their household activities within these shared spaces. These tenants will hypothetically rent their household for one year or less and then move on.

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2019 How do we live? London / MATERIALS

New homes must be built to be low-carbon, energy and water efficient and climate resilient. The costs of build-ing to a specification that achieves these aims are not prohibitive, and getting design right from the outset is vastly cheaper than forcing retrofit later. From 2025 at the latest, no new homes should be connected to the gas grid. They should instead be heated through low carbon sources, have ultra-high levels of energy efficiency alongside appropriate ventilation and,where possible, be timber-framed.

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2019 How do we live? Shanghai – Suzhou / CIRCULATION

We believe that the way in which we circulate in residential buildings, from the urban to the domestic scale organises our ways of living in the city. Circulation also determines the adaptability of housing types. The more adaptable a type is, the better it can host throughout time different ways of living. This becomes particularly important if we think of housing as part of a city’s long-lasting infrastructure.

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