

The exhibition discusses today’s housing types, exemplary of a particular city in its making. By looking at the market offer, the goal is to observe, analyze, participate and hopefully interfere in the production system of the urban.

Rather than dismissing examples of the current housing offer as banal architecture, it is assumed that these housing types portray specific subjects, their living and urban conditions; the politics, policies, and socio-economic factors that lead into developing a particular urban setting.

The exhibition offers a classification based on building-heights and grouping forms: high rise, medium rise and low rise are branched into detached and compound examples. These are also organized by cities. The categories allow to formulate and compare design outcomes.

Housing design never starts afresh; housing design operates through variation, iteration, and/or mutation of prior examples. Types can provide a framework to deal with complex urban variables. By understanding the particulars in the production of a housing type, the architect can manipulate and reorganize – invent.